Mitsubishi Electronics - DX-TL930E

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A MITSUBISHI DIGITAL RECORDER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL MODEL DX TL930E THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL IS IMPORTANT TO YOU PLEASE READ IT BEFORE USING YOUR DIGITAL RECORDER ENGLISH Features Unit with built in large volume hard disk drive This unit reaiizes high resoiution piayback of over 400 horizontai iines thanks to digitai technoiogy using JPEG compression There are 5 user seiectabie image quaiity settings The main device aiso features a buiit in iarge voiume 30GB hard disk for both high reiiabiiity and high speed operation Users can seiect from 12 recording intervais ranging from 25 frames per second to one frame per 8 seconds and up to a maximum 2 197 000 frames can be recorded consecutiveiy pBuilt in 9 input multiplexer functions ...